Re: Where can I observe a list of languages for the locl feature?
https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/languagetags.htm1 -
Re: Space glyphs
I managed to find our old Typophile thread on this topic in the Wayback Machine. Might be of interest to you: http://web.archive.org/web/20100407100622/http://typophile.com/node/689852 -
“French” apostrophe?
I don’t know how many have noticed this before, but the Arno Pro fonts have a character variant for uni2019 (quoteright) which is registered for {locl} substitution under languagesystem latn FRA. Thi…8 -
Re: Pet peeve: empty .notdef character.
Can you do it by using html entity to enter a non-existent code? Or maybe by entering the <NUL> code? For instance: � (I went into HTML mode and typed "�" to get that display…1 -
Re: Interesting OpenType Trick
A trivial tangent (speaking of randomness and shuffling): If you take a deck of 52 cards, split it exactly in half, and perform a perfect shuffle (i.e., interleaving one and only one from each half i…4